ANYONE can become a published author by writing just ONE CHAPTER.  With the public voting for each winning chapter there could be 12 different authors in one book.

All Chapter ONE entries must start with: "As s/he walked tentatively down each step..."

            STEP 1:   Writers were invited to submit their version of Chapter ONE by 28th February 2017

            STEP 2:   The chapter that received the most public votes was published as the Winning Chapter ONE

            STEP 3:   Writers were then invited to submit their version of Chapter TWO, following the theme of the                                                 Winning Chapter ONE  ... this process will berepeated until the book is complete....

            STEP 4:   Authors of winning chapters get a percentage of profit If there's more than one popular story we might 
                           even publish more than book...

AND if enough popular entries are received, the Chapter Chain may even publish more than one version of the first book that start off the same but take completely different story-line directions.


Artists are now invited to submit their work to be used for the book cover.  Artwork needs to reflect the story/theme of the book which has now been established as:

All eligible artwork submitted after that date will be published on the Chapter Chain website, where public votes will be invited.

Voting for artwork will continue throughout th ewhole competition until the closing date for the final chapter.

The winning artwork will be revealed at the Chapter Chain Book Launch Event, when the Artist who's artwork received the most public votes will also win the Winning Artist Award.

At the Chapter Chain we do not want to risk stemming the flow of an authors imagination, so we are suggesting the ideal size of the novel, number of chapters and number of words per chapter but this is a guide only to help those who may not be used to writing, and it is not a strict rule.
Competition entries will not be penalised for falling outside the following guidance/ suggestions: 

Total Novel :  36,000-80,000 words
No. of Chapters:  12-15 
No. Words per Chapter:  3000-5000 (average)

Submit YOUR entry by 28 February 2017

Winning artworks will be announced and awards presented at the Chapter Chain Book launch event.

Watch this space for details of the Chapter Chain Book Launch Event
AND to find out which celebrity will be presenting the awards.

So what are you waiting for?  

Join in the Chapter Chain and let's make this the most exciting journey ever...